An Easy-To-Follow Guide on Windshield Wiper Replacement
February 23, 2021
Wear and tear of windshield wipers is not that uncommon. After all, they are constantly exposed to various elements – such as dirt, dust, and other debris. It is common for these car parts to only last about six to twelve months. And with its vast role in maximizing road visibility, it is crucial that you replace windshield wipers at least once a year or when they start to work improperly.
Luckily, windshield wipers are one of the easiest car parts to replace without the help of a mechanic. So if you think your wipers are starting to be ineffective or create visibility issues, then it’s time to replace them.
How to Replace Windshield Wipers
Part 1 — Removing the Old Wiper
To remove your old wipers, you should determine what unlatching mechanism your wiper blades use. To know it, you can either check your car manual or the instructions indicated in the packaging of your new wiper blades.
Generally, there are two common unlatching mechanisms for wiper blades:
Gently lift the wiper arm away from the windshield.
Press down on the tab located on the underside of the wiper.
Push down the wiper blade from the arm until the lock disengages.
Unhook the wiper blades.
Pin Type
Gently lift the blade.
Pull the tab up to disengage the lock.
Pull the pin out of the side of the wiper blade.
Part 2 — Attaching the New Wiper
Once you’ve completed removing the old wipers, installing the new ones will just be a breeze. Most new wiper blades come with instructions on how to attach them to the wiper arms. But in case you need an easy-to-follow guide, feel free to follow these instructions:
Slide the wiper blade fitting to the wiper blade hook.
Pull up until you hear a click.
Lower the wiper arm gently back onto the windshield.
Pin Type
Pull the small tab up slightly.
Insert the wiper pin arm into the wiper blade.
Push down on the tab until you hear a click.
Lower the wiper arm gently back onto the windshield.
Part 3 — Testing the New Blades (Optional)
Once the installation is complete, you can also test the wipers and check if they function correctly and fit securely. The worst thing that can happen when you don’t do this is finding out that your new windshield wipers are installed incorrectly during a time you badly need it (e.g.downpour).
In Conclusion
Replacing your old, damaged windshield wiper blades is undoubtedly easy. Anyone can do this even without professional help. Just follow these simple steps to make sure that defective wiper blades will not cause you any road visibility and other safety problems in the future.
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